Explore: Content Offers
The new Explore Offer Flow now supports both subscription collection, and individual asset transactions. Follow the instructions below.
Select an Institution from the Institution page.
Click Content.
Select Add / Edit Content.
Add and/or Edit Items
Provider: Select the applicable content provider
Enter Content: Type or copy & paste your list of subscription and/or individual asset VBID’s, one per line. Limited to 2500 VBIDs.
Click Next.
Add Items
Borrow Limit
If this is the first time this Provider has sold to an institution, you'll be required to set your Borrow Limit.
Update the Borrow Limit by selecting Unlimited Borrowing or entering a number in the Limit field.
Click Next.
Terms for New Items
From your list of VBIDs, Explore will identify all new items. Enter terms for these new items.
Expiration Date: The last date that the institution has access to the Title or Subscription.
Concurrent User Limit: The maximum number of concurrent active licenses for the Title or Subscription. (The maximum number of users that can access the content at one time)
Borrow Duration: License length. This is the length of time that a user will have access to the Title or Subscription.
Unit: Choose the duration limit from hours, days, or years. Minimum is one hour, maximum is 5 years.
Click Next.
Edit Item Terms
Next, from your list of VBIDs, Explore will identify any existing active or expired items that were in your list. Update the terms as necessary.
Expiration Date: The last date that the institution has access to the Title or Subscription.
Concurrent User Limit: The maximum number of concurrent active licenses for the Title or Subscription. (The maximum number of users that can access the content at one time)
Borrow Duration: License length. This is the length of time that a user will have access to the Title or Subscription.
Unit: Choose the duration limit from hours, days, or years. Minimum is one hour, maximum is 5 years.
Click Next.
Review the list of content for validity.
(Optional) Add more content by selecting Add/Edit More. (This is what you would click if you needed to add another batch of content with different terms. See Pro-Tip above)
If the list is final, select Review and Complete.
Finalize the Offer
Purchase Order Number: (Optional) Enter a PO Number.
Price for Transaction: Enter a price for the transaction.
If you enter a price of 0 you will see the following alert message. To proceed, click Yes, Complete. To cancel and edit your price, click Cancel.
Negative prices are accepted and should be used if you need to reduce the price or refund the institution as a result of implementing a reduced borrow limit, concurrent user limit, or borrow duration, or a closer expiration date in this transaction. If you enter a negative price, you will see the following alert message. To proceed, click Yes, Complete. To cancel and edit your price, click Cancel.
Currency: Select the appropriate Currency.
Click Complete.
Upon completion, you will see a transaction confirmation notification with a transaction number. This transaction will be stored at the institution level in Explore.