Brightspace/D2L LTI 1.1 Tool Setup

Campus Brightspace administrators can quickly and easily install the VitalSource LTI tool in order to provide students and teaching staff with seamless access to VitalSource Bookshelf and Analytics tools.

How to Install

  1. Log in to Brightspace and navigate to Admin Tools > External Learning Tools.
  2. Click on Manage Tool Providers.
  3. Click on New Tool Provider.
  4. Populate the tool provider form with the following information:
    • Launch Point*
    • OAuth Signature Method: HMAC-SHA1
    • Secret: Provided by VitalSource.
    • Tick the box to use custom tool consumer information instead of the default.
    • Key: Provided by VitalSource.
    • Visibility: Tick the box to allow users to use this tool provider.
  5. Security Settings: Our recommendation is to tick all boxes. At a minimum, the following are required:
    • Send tool consumer information to tool provider.
    • Send context information to tool provider.
    • Send course information to tool provider.
    • Send LTI user ID and LTI role list to tool provider.
    • Send user name to tool provider.
    • Send user email to tool provider.
    • Send system username to tool provider.
    • Send system Org Defined ID to tool provider.
    • Send system role to tool provider.
    • Send link title to tool provider.
  6. Click Save and Close.

*The LTI Tool Provider can also be configured at the course level if that is the preferred method for your campus. Please note that for a direct launch to a specific book, you will need to enter the VitalSource Book Identifier (VBID) in your URL.

Set-up Steps for Brightspace/D2L

Once you've added the tool provider, follow these steps to add the external tool link properties to the LMS/VLE.

  1. Click Manage External Learning Tool Links.
  2. Click New Link.
  3. Enter the following properties:
    • Title: Enter the name for the link you’d like to display in your courses (Recommended: VitalSource Digital Materials).

    • URL
      • Multi-course dashboard:

      • Single-course dashboard:

      • Direct link to a specific book:[VitalSourceBookIdentifier]

    • Visibility: Tick the “Allow users to view this link” box.
    • Key/Secret: Tool consumer key/secret provided by VitalSource.
    • Security Settings: Use tool provider security settings.
  4. Click Save and Close.

Add Links to Course Module

Once the LTI External Tool is installed, we recommend adding links to a Module within the relevant Brightspace courses. Modules allow instructors to organise the link within their course as they wish.

  1. Within a course in Brightspace, navigate to the Table of Contents.
  2. If no Modules exist, create one by providing a name for your module.
  3. Once in the Module where you will add the LTI Link, click Existing Activities > External Learning Tools.
  4. Click Create New LTI Link and select the VitalSource link.


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