Set Distribution Rights and Custom Pricing for Your Content (Video and Written Instructions)

Set Distribution Rights and Custom Pricing for Your Content (Video and Written Instructions)

This page contains an informational video as well as written instructions on how to set distribution rights and custom pricing for content in Manage. 

There are multiple ways to set distribution rights and custom pricing:

  1. Provide Distribution Rights One at a Time (01:00)

  2. Add Custom Pricing One at a Time (02:25)

  3. Specify Distribution Rights in Bulk by Uploading a Spreadsheet (0:4:45)

  4. Assign Specific Assets to Multiple Distributors Simultaneously (04:50)


Content owners typically specify distribution rights and custom pricing either one asset at a time or in bulk. 

  1. Content owners typically set rights and pricing one at time if there is just one or two assets to specify. 
  2. When there are three or more assets to specify, content owners can easily set distribution rights and custom pricing in bulk by uploading a spreadsheet into Manage. If there are multiple distributors using the same content, distribution rights can be provided in bulk to one or several distributors within Manage. 

Let’s look at how to specify distribution rights or custom pricing. Note: An asset can be assigned both distribution rights and custom pricing at the same time.  

To Provide Distribution Rights One at a Time 

  1. Log in to Manage.  


  1. Click on the hamburger icon to access the main menu.  


  2. From the Content tab, click Basic Search. 


  3. In the search bar, enter either the VBID, eISBN, author name, or the title of your asset, and click on the search icon or just press enter. 


  4. Find the title for which you want to specify distribution rights.


  5. Choose the desired license length and select distributors from the corresponding dropdown menu.


  6. Alternatively, click the distributors button on the right, then select the desired license length from the column on the left.

  7. Select New Distributor.


  8. In the Add Distribution Rights pop-up box, type the name of the distributor, then select the distributor from the list.


  9. If you can’t find the distributor name, contact your Customer Success Manager for assistance.

    1. If the distributor requires a custom ISBN for this product, enter the custom identifier under Custom ISBN/Pub ID. Otherwise, leave it blank.


  10. Then click “Add Distributor.”


  11. To remove any of the listed rights, click Delete.


  12. To prevent the rights from being removed during any update, click Lock.  

*Note: depending on your permissions, you may or may not have this possibility. 


  1. To Add Custom Pricing One at a Time 

    1. Log in to Manage.    

    2. Click on the hamburger icon to access the main menu.   


    3. From the Content tab, click Basic Search.  


    4. In the search bar, enter either the VBID, eISBN, author name, or the title of your asset, and click on the search icon or just press enter.  


    5. Find the title for which you want to specify a custom price. 


    6. Identify the desired license length and click the corresponding dropdown menu. Then select Pricing.  


    7. Alternatively, select Pricing on the right, then select the distribution length from the left-hand column.



    8. Then select New Price. 


    9. In the Price Type dropdown menu:
      1. select Custom Price. 


      2. Enter the custom price and select the currency


      3. In the Distributor dropdown menu, select the distributor name. 


        Tip: If you can’t find the distributor name, contact your Customer Success Manager for assistance.

        If the distributor requires a custom ISBN for this product, enter the custom identifier under Custom ISBN. Otherwise, leave it blank. 

      4. Click on the Add New Price button.  


      5. Within the Prices tab, you can review your submission for the product and see the date it was created and who created it.   


      6. To remove the custom price, click Expire from the Current Prices section. 
        *Please note, expiring the price does not remove distribution rights. 



  2. Specify distribution rights in bulk either by

  1. Uploading a spreadsheet

  2. Assign specific assets to multiple distributors simultaneously

To Specify Distribution Rights in Bulk by Uploading a Spreadsheet

  1. Log in to Manage.    


  2. Click on the hamburger icon to access the main menu. 


  3. From the Distribution & Pricing tab, click Custom Price Bulk Upload.  


  4. Using the downloadable template and on-page instructions, you will be able to distribute products, assign custom ISBNs, assign custom prices, change or expire existing custom prices, and remove custom ISBNs. 


  5. Update the template with the appropriate information and import it to Manage.  


  6. You will receive confirmation email that the upload was complete.  
  7. If you have any questions, please email 

To Assign Specific Assets to Multiple Distributors Simultaneously

  1. Log in to Manage.     


  2. Click on the hamburger icon to access the main menu.   


  3. From the Distribution & Pricing tab, click Add/Remove Rights. 

  4. From the Mode section, click Add Rights.   


  5. Within Content, enter the VBID, ISBN, or rental or package SKU. 


  6. Next, in the Distributors field, enter the name of the distributor(s), then select them from the dropdown menu. You can add multiple distributors here. 


  7. When you are finished, click Submit. A green banner in the header will confirm that distribution rights have been added.

Remove Rights from Specific Assets 

  1. To remove rights, select “Remove rights” button and follow the same steps. 


If you have any questions about setting distribution rights and custom pricing for your content, please contact

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