Sakai administrators can quickly and easily install the VitalSource LTI tool in order to provide students and teaching staff with seamless access to VitalSource Bookshelf and Analytics. The following instructions will install the tool LMS-wide. Once complete, individual site owners can choose to use it within their courses. 

Install the Tool

  1. In the Administration Workspace, click on the Tool menu, then External Tools.
  2. Click Install LTI Tool
  3. Enter in LTI Configuration Information:
    • Site ID: leave blank
    • Tool Name: VitalSource Digital Materials
    • URL:
    • Consumer key/secret: provided by Integration Manager
    • Tick all Privacy Settings to yes
  4. Click Save

With the LTI tool installed at the system level, instructors will see it available in their courses as a Plugin Tool. From the Site Info menu, click Edit Tools to choose the VitalSource Digital Materials tool for each course. 

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