Create a Library and Packages in Manage

You can package a group of assets together in Manage, and distribute them with a single code. To create a Package, we first need to build a Library of assets.

A Library contains a group of assets that can be distributed under a single SKU. For example, you may want to put together a review library that can be assigned to sales reps, or a multi-volume set to assign to an institution.  

Create a Library 

  1. Go to
  2. Click the hamburger icon, then Content.
  3. Click Library, then Create Library.
  4. Enter the name for the Library and click Create Library. The Manage Library screen will open. 
  5. Click Add Category to enter a label for a folder. 
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page to paste a list of VBIDs, or upload a CSV file.
  7. Click Add Assets to add the titles to the library.  
  8. You will receive an email confirming the addition of the assets to the library. 
  9. An uncategorised asset folder will appear in the folder structure. Click the folder label and the list of titles will appear below. 
  10. Put each title into a folder by clicking the tickbox. The library’s folder structure will open in the Taxonomy box to the right. Click the tickbox next to the folder in which the asset is to reside. 
  11. Once all assets have been categorised, delete the Uncategorised Assets folder.  
  12. To rename, delete or reorganise a folder, hover a folder label. Clicthe blue to edit the folder, the red - to delete a folder, or the grey slider icon to promote or demote a folder within the categories' structure  
  13. When you have finished organising the library, click Create New Package to enter metadata.

Create a Package 

  1. Enter Company name and then select the package creator from the System User dropdown menu. 
  2. Tick In Store if the package is to be sold in the US VitalSource Store, and In UK Store or In AUS Store for inclusion in the corresponding stores. 
  3. Select the name of the Library that contains the assets for the package 
  4. Select the Licence Terms, and enter the On-Sale Date and Name 
  5. Enter the name of the Sales Rep associated with the package, if applicable  
  6. Enter the name of the Customer for whom the package is being created – this may be a review package for your own company, for an institution or a reseller  
  7. Enter marketing copy in the Description box if the package will be in the VitalSource Store(s) 
  8. Enter the USD Digital List Price to sell the package in the US VitalSource Store. For GBP and AUD prices, please contact your PSM.  
  9. Select the appropriate channels and regions  
  10. Click Create Package to save 

A package can contain all or some of the assets in the library. To choose assets:  

  1. From the actions bar, click Manage, then Library Assets, and all assets in the library will display. 
  2. Select All or Only Live, then click Add Assets to choose the group to be contained in the package.
  3. To select only some live assets from the library, tick only the boxes next to those assets you want to include. 
  4. Click Package Assets to see all items that have been included. 



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