Access Publisher Courseware from your VLE/LMS (Inclusive Access programmes) - Student

Access Publisher Courseware from your VLE/LMS (Inclusive Access programmes) - Student

VitalSource enables codeless access to courseware through single sign-on (SSO) and an automated, more flexible opt-in/opt-out process. Follow the steps below to manage your access decisions and to access your courseware.

  1. Access your institution's Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) / Learning Management System (LMS). In this example, we're using Canvas. 
  2. Navigate to your course, then click on your course materials. The text appearing on this button will vary.  


  1. Click on the Load Course Materials Dashboard button. The text appearing here will vary, too.


Your current opt-in decision will appear in a bubble in the middle of the courseware card. You have until the date listed on the card to opt out. 

  1. To opt out, click on the Want to opt out? button. You will be prompted to answer why you've opted out.

Once opted out, you will have the option to opt back in until the date listed on the card. Once the opt-out period has ended, a Buy Now button will appear. Click the button to purchase the courseware from your bookstore outside of the IA programme.


  1. Click on the Launch Courseware button to access your courseware. 


Note: You may have Read Now and Launch Courseware buttons if you have a courseware and etextbook bundle for your course. Click Read Now to launch the title in Bookshelf. 



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