Using Explore and Create in Connect
Where can Explore and Create be found?
In Connect’s navigation bar, click Items, then Explore & Create Items.
By default, you will be presented with all adoptions passed to Connect from the Retail Management System (RMS). If you’d like to view adoptions based on specific criteria, you can use the Quick or Advanced Filters. Quick Filters are shortcuts for recommended/common Advanced Filter combinations. The information below outlines each filter and the results you can expect.
Results Count
We will show the number of results returned at the top of the POS Adoptions page. On the initial page load, the count will represent the number of titles visible on the page as a portion of the total number of items adopted for the RMS catalog.
When filters and/or search are applied, the count will be updated to reflect the number of titles that meet that criteria, as well as how many are currently visible on the page.
Filter Your Adoptions
Quick Filters
Our Advanced Filters are combined as components of our easy to use Quick Filters, which will enable users to isolate key lists of adoption results. Selecting a Quick Filter will provide visibility into which Advanced Filters go into creating the quick filter results.
Note: If you select at least one advanced filter that deviates from the selected quick filter “ingredients,” the corresponding quick filter(s) are deselected, because the selected Advanced Filters no longer represent a Quick Filter.
You can select only one Quick Filter at a time. Choose between the following ways to scope your visible adoptions.
(1) Best Matched
This filter scopes results to adoptions with at least one VitalSource catalog “best” match result where no Connect Items exist with the same adopted ISBN.
The Best Matched Quick Filter provides a way to see all unworked adoptions that have at least one definitive VitalSource catalog match.
(2) Other Matched
This filter scopes results to adoptions with at least one VitalSource catalog match result that cannot be classified as “best” where no Connect Items exist with the same adopted ISBN.
The Other Matched Quick Filter provides a way to see all unworked adoptions that have at least one VitalSource catalog match but it is less clear whether or not the match results will work for you.
(3) Unmatched
This filter scopes results to adoptions with no VitalSource catalog matches available and no Connect Items exist with the same adopted ISBN.
The Unmatched Quick Filter provides a way to see all unworked adoptions with no VitalSource catalog matches.
(4) Worked
This filter scopes results to adoptions that share an adopted ISBN with a created Connect Item.
The Worked Quick Filter provides a way to see all adoptions that have already been “worked” (i.e. have Connect Items created).
Advanced Filters
Advanced Filters are collapsed by default. Click to expand them.
Advanced Filters are primarily centered around VitalSource catalog matches and the relevant details around those matches. Advanced Filters are multi-select.
Has Rights: All adoptions where at least one VitalSource catalog match option has distribution rights assigned.
Needs Rights: All adoptions where no VitalSource catalog match options have distribution rights assigned.
Etextbook Available: All adoptions where at least one VitalSource catalog match is an eTextbook.
Courseware Available: All adoptions where at least one VitalSource catalog match is Courseware.
Bundle Available: All adoptions where at least one VitalSource catalog match is a Bundle.
Has Created Item: All adoptions where the adopted ISBN is already associated with at least one created Connect item.
No Created Item: All adoptions where the adopted ISBN is not associated with any created Connect items.
Collect IA Interest
- Confirmed IA: All adoptions with a “confirmed” IA status in Collect
- Has IA Interest: All adoptions with an “interested” IA status in Collect
- No IA Interest: All adoptions with no IA status in Collect
BookShelf CoachMe
CoachMe Included: All adoptions with at least one VitalSource catalog match results where CoachMe capability is included with the etext.
CoachMe Not Included: All adoptions that are either unmatched or have no VitalSource catalog matches that include CoachMe capability.
The search field can be used in combination with filters to narrow results to the adoption(s) you would like to explore using the following supported criteria:
Adopted ISBN
Publisher Name
Clear Search/Filters

When at least one Filter is selected, you’ll see a “Clear Filters” button next to the page results count. When clicked, all selected filters will be cleared and the results will be reloaded.
When search criteria is entered, you’ll see a “Clear Search” button. When clicked, the search criteria will be cleared and the results will be reloaded.
If both Filters and Search are in use, both buttons will be visible, and will work independently.
Sort Your Adoptions
Change the way filtered adoption results are sorted using the following options.
To Provide/Est. Enroll
This is the default sort on page load for all users.
The sum of all section quantity “to provide” or “estimated” enrollment values for an adopted material, sorted in ascending order. For example, an adoption with a total estimated enrollment value of 1000 across all adopting sections will be shown higher in the list of filter results than an adoption with a total estimated enrollment value of 900.
This sort option makes it easier for users to find adoptions with the highest enrollment amounts and thus the adoptions that will have the biggest impact on students if the adoption is added to the IA/EA program.
Extended Student Savings
The estimated extended student savings (unit savings * estimated enrollment/QTP) for an adopted material, sorted in ascending order. For example, an adoption with an extended student savings of $5,000 will be shown higher in the list of filter results than an adoption with an extended student savings of $4,000
This sort option makes it easier for users to find adoptions with the highest extended student savings potential. In other words, the adoptions with both the highest estimated enrollment AND most estimated student savings.
Per Unit Student Savings
The estimated student savings value per unit for an adopted material, sorted in ascending order.
For example, an adoption with unit savings of $30 will be shown higher in the list of filter results than an adoption with a unit savings of $25.
This sort option makes it easier for users to find adoptions with the highest estimated student savings, regardless of estimated enrollment. In other words, adoptions that will save students the most money even if there are fewer students to serve.
Sorts adoptions alphanumerically by the adopted title. Alphanumeric sorting means that titles that start with numerical values will be sorted above titles that start with the letter 'a'
Sorts adoptions alphanumerically by the adopted author. Depending on the author data provided, the sort will look at the first characters to determine the sort. For example, if the author provided is formatted as last name, first name
, it will be sorted based on the last name. Alternatively, if the author provided is formatted as first name last name
, it will be sorted based on the first name.
Alphanumeric sorting means that titles that start with numerical values will be sorted above titles that start with the letter 'a'.
Sorts adoptions alphanumerically by the publisher associated with the adoption. Alphanumeric sorting means that titles that start with numerical values will be sorted above titles that start with the letter 'a'.
For users who want to browse their adopted materials by publisher.
Items to Explore Alert(s) Cards
Your Dashboard alerts have been updated to apply our new Quick Filter logic.
Best Matched Titles: When clicked, you’ll be routed to Explore & Create for the selected catalog with the “Best Matched” quick filter selected.
Other Matched Titles: When clicked, you’ll be routed to Explore & Create for the selected catalog with the “Other Matched” quick filter selected.
Explore all RMS adoptions: When clicked, you’ll be routed to Explore & Create for the selected catalog with no filters selected.