Link to a Specific Location Within Your Text in the Yuzu Reader

Link to a Specific Location Within Your Text in the Yuzu Reader

Use our Deep-Link Generator to create a link to a specific book location when accessing Yuzu through a Learning Management System (LMS) such as Canvas, Moodle, D2L/Brightspace, Blackboard, etc. 

In order to create a deeplink to content, you must have access to the content via the LMS integration.

  1. In the Yuzu reader, navigate to the location of the book that you want to link to. 
  2. In the Table of Contents, click the three-dot icon, then click Copy Page URL.
    Screenshot 2023-08-11 at 3.30.15 PM.png
  3. A pop-up will appear with the URL. Click Copy.
  4. Open the Deep-Linking Generator Template attached to this article. 
  5. Paste the URL in the cell in column B, then paste the SKU in column A.
  6. Copy the URL in Column I to distribute the link to your content from within your LMS.


If a user without a license for the referenced material clicks the link, they will see the following:

Screenshot 2023-08-11 at 3.33.18 PM.png

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