Access Code Forecasting Reports

VitalSource can now provide publishers with Access Code Forecasting reports. These reports provide publishers with forecast data that estimates how many access codes VitalSource needs to service the upcoming term. 

This page contains information on:

As always, if you have any questions, please contact us at

Reading the Reports

Access Code Forecasting Reports will be provided weekly, via email, during the 4-6 weeks leading up to Spring and Fall starts.  The weekly reports will provide data in both an easy-to-reference PDF containing the Publisher-specific dashboard and an XLSX file so publishers can sort and filter the data as desired.  

Each report contains an Access Code Dashboard Overview with publisher-specific data including:

  • Cover: The thumbnail image of the cover
  • VBID: VitalBook Identier, or ISBN
  • Title: Courseware title
  • Term/Year Forecast: Access codes forecasted designated by Spring/Fall/YY
  • Current Bank Size: The amount of access codes currently available
  • Request: Indicates the number of access codes VitalSource requests in anticipation of upcoming student demand
  • Desired Bank Size: The current bank size plus the requested amount. This is the amount expected to cover the student's needs/requests

Using the Report

The intent of this report is to provide guidance on the number of access codes that need to be stocked in Manage prior to the upcoming term start. Please refer to the Desired Bank Size column for information on how many codes need to be loaded.

Loading the right amount of codes in Manage ensures that users who purchase your content are able to access it. Please review these reports each week and upload the codes requested. 

For more information on how to load codes into Manage, please visit our Import Access Codes to an Asset in Manage page.

Example of Emailed PDF Dashboard and XLSX document — Access Codes Forecasting Report

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 5.35.25 PM.png




Q. How often will publishers receive the Access Code Forecasting reports?

A. Access Code Forecasting reports will be sent weekly during the 4-6 weeks leading up to Spring and Fall Term starts. 

Q. How is the data collected?

A. VitalSource pulls information based on the historical sales of titles in conjunction with upcoming adoptions for the next term.

Q. How does VitalSource forecast needs? 

A. VitalSource considers historical data and adds 20% to the forecasted access codes needed. This ensures that VitalSource can provide uninterrupted service to students throughout the term. 

Q. Why does the forecast call for more codes than it did for Fall?

A. Forecasts are based on historical data, complemented by market signals and industry trends. User interest across various editions of a product and a lack of historical usage may present inflated forecasts for some products. These forecasts are meant to anticipate user demand rather than precisely predict sales, due to the variable nature of market trends and user behavior.

Q. What happens with unused access codes? 

A. Unused access codes are kept in the publisher's code bank to be used in future terms. 

Q. What if a publisher is new to working with VitalSource? 

A. If VitalSource does not have historical data to draw on, it will use the previous Title demands to forecast needs. 

Q. What about items that are out of distribution?

A. Out-of-distribution items are not included in forecast data but are included in historical data. 

Q. What if I have questions?

A. If you have questions about your report, please contact 

Helpful Links:

Import Access Codes to an Asset in Manage



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