Equitable Access (EA) Pricing - Bookstore Guide

Equitable Access (EA) Pricing - Bookstore Guide

What is Changing

Equitable Access (EA) Pricing is coming soon for Fall 2024 Adoptions in Connect! Unlike IA Prices, EA Prices will be locked prior to Fall Adoptions for the duration of the 2024-2025 academic year to ensure that EA Program Fee prices can be accurately quoted.

Connect users will have the ability to search for products with EA pricing from their RMS Adoptions, as well as the VST Catalog when the catalog has Equitable Access enabled. Users will then be able to verify EA price types in the Match & Verify modal.

In addition to adding EA Pricing to the hierarchy in Connect, changes to how we present prices for price verification in Connect will change for both EA and IA programs. Instead of showing all prices for a matched SKU and letting the Connect user choose, we’ll pivot to showing just the price at the top of the hierarchy based on the pricing available for the item.


What does the Change Look Like?

When a catalog has been set to enable Equitable Access, EA Pricing will be visible in Connect in the following locations:

  • Connect Users will now be able to search for items with EA Pricing in their RMS Adoptions or the VitalSource Catalog via the Explore & Create modal.
    • Enabling a new EA Price filter will show only adoptions with at least one SKU with an available EA price

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  • Connect Users will also be able to verify against EA Pricing when matching and verifying items in a catalog
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  • Connect’s Bulk Item Import will validate items where the net price matches an EA Price.

Price Verification Hierarchy in Connect

Instead of showing all prices for a matched SKU and letting the Connect user choose, we’ll pivot to showing just the price at the top of the hierarchy based on the pricing available for the item.

Prior to this change, if multiple price types were available for an item, the user could choose to create an item from any of them, as shown in the screenshot below where both an IA and a DLP price were available.



Now, instead of showing all available prices for a matched SKU and letting the Connect user choose, we’ll pivot to showing just the matching price based on the hierarchies described below.

IA Programs

  1. If we receive a Custom price for a SKU, we'll display only the Custom Price to users for price verification.
  2. If no Custom Price is available but an Inclusive Access Price is returned for the SKU, we'll show only the IA Price to users for price verification.
  3. If neither a Custom Price nor an Inclusive Access Price is available for the SKU but a Digital List Price is returned, we'll display only the DLP for price verification.

EA Programs

  1. If we receive a Custom price for a SKU, we'll display only the Custom Price to users for price verification.
  2. If no Custom Price is returned but an Equitable Access Price is available for the SKU, we'll show only the EA Price to users for price verification.
  3. If neither a Custom Price nor an Equitable Access Price is available for the SKU but an Inclusive Access Price is returned, we'll show only the IA Price to users for price verification.
  4. If neither a Custom Price, Equitable Access Price, nor an Inclusive Access Price is available for the SKU but a Digital List Price is returned , we'll display only the DLP to users for price verification.

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