Introduction to Studio

Introduction to Studio

VitalSource Studio is an easy-to-use eBook authoring tool. The audience is primarily non-technical content creators. It is used by content creators at publishing companies, institutions, corporations, and associations to produce accessible, reflowable, interactive EPUB 3 content files specifically for VST’s Bookshelf, CoachMe, and Acrobatiq (SmartStart).

Studio has the following benefits: it’s accessible, (WCAG 2.0 AA - WCAG = Web Content Accessibility Guidelines); it’s reflowable, which means it'll work on our Bookshelf online reader, but it will also scale correctly when using Bookshelf on a tablet or mobile device; it’s a standards-based EPUB 3.0 file; and it's interactive, you can add interactive questions on a self-study model to your content.

The scores from a Studio EPUB will not integrate with LTI or an LMS grade book. The interactivity that you'll find in a Studio EPUB is for self-study purposes only. The students will see their work and that work will be saved in the reader, but an instructor does not get to see that student’s activity content.

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