Interactive Block Common Features

Interactive Block Common Features

There are 11 Interactive Content Blocks. Please take a look at the explanation below for some of these common Interactive Block Features.


Common Interactive Block Features

Not every interactive block contains all of the same features, but most of the following features are common to most of the interactive blocks.


In the Question tab, each question can have a unique stimulus. The stimulus can be an image, audio, text, video, or a combination of stimulus types.



In the Question tab, each question can have a unique hint that is available to the user at any time in the activity. A hint can be only text.


In the Question tab, each question can have unique feedback. Users will only see the feedback after clicking the check answer button on the activity. The feedback can be an image, audio, text, video or a combination.



A header title or instructions can be added to the activity via the Header tab.



In the Settings tab, you can adjust the question and answer settings which would apply to all questions/answers in the activity. Any changes made in the block settings will supersede the product level default setting. In the question settings, you can set the question layout, auto numbering, or stimulus placement.

In the answer settings, you can set the attempts allowed, whether to reveal answers and if answers should be randomized. If the randomization setting is turned on, answer choices will be shuffled for each question attempt.


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