Previewing your Build

Previewing allows you to review your content in Bookshelf online prior to making it available to customers.
Click Create Preview to launch the Bookshelf ingestion process. This may take as little as 2 minutes or longer, depending on the number of files in the queue.


While Bookshelf is ingesting your file, you will see an "in progress" animation. The ingestion process will take a few minutes. You can leave this page during the preview process, and your file will continue ingesting in the background.


After Bookshelf ingestion is completed, use the launch button to view your eBook in the Bookshelf reader.


NOTE: The first time you cross over to Bookshelf, you will see this screen. Entering your email address will create a full-fledged Bookshelf account or link up to any existing Bookshelf account you might already have. You may skip this step and use a reference account to review your content.


Once you've crossed over to Bookshelf, you will see your content displayed in the e-reader.


When viewed in your Bookshelf library, the cover image will be labeled with "Preview" in the upper left corner.


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