Campus Canvas administrators can quickly and easily install the VitalSource LTI tool in order to provide students and faculty with seamless access to VitalSource Bookshelf and Analytics.
Jump to How to Install, Adding Links to Courses, Data Storage & Usage
How to Install
These instructions detail how to set up an LTI app configuration for VitalSource in Canvas, and can be applied both at the Account level and the Course level.
Manual Entry
This is the best option if you would only like to add VitalSource LTI tool links to course modules only.
Click the Admin link, then click the name of the account.
In the Account Navigation, click the Settings link.
Click the Apps tab and then View App Configurations.
Click the +App button and enter the following:
- Configuration type: Manual Entry
- Name: Type the name of the app as you would like it to appear to faculty or course designers who will be adding the tool to courses (Recommendation: VitalSource Course Materials).
- Consumer Key: Enter the key provided to you by the VitalSource team
- Shared Secret: Enter the secret provided to you by the VitalSource team
- Launch URL: This may vary depending on which VitalSource tool you are using. Work with your VitalSource representative to determine the URL you should use. Please note the URL can also be edited at the course level.
- - This view will display all of the course materials for the course from which a user launched
- - This view will display all of the course materials that VitalSource is aware the user is enrolled in
-{{SKU}} - This view will launch users to a specific VitalSource digital product. The URL will need to be edited when added to a course to include the VitalSource SKU for the digital product in use. Example:
- Privacy: Public.
- Add the following in the Custom Fields box. You should put one parameter per line.
- course_start_date=$Canvas.course.startAt
- course_end_date=$Canvas.course.endAt
- canvas_section_id=$Canvas.course.sectionIds
- previous_context_ids=$Canvas.course.previousContextIds
- previous_canvas_course_ids=$Canvas.course.previousCourseIds
- term_start_date=$Canvas.term.startAt
- term_name=$
- Click Submit.
Paste XML
This is the best option if you would like to add VitalSource tool links to either the Course Navigation menu or to Course Modules. This option works best if you are using the same link in every course. This is not recommended if you would like to launch to a specific digital product as that requires the link is edited when added to a course.
Click the Admin link, then click the name of the account.
In the Account Navigation, click the Settings link.
Click the Apps tab and then View App Configurations.
Click the +App button and enter the following:
Configuration: Paste XML
Name: Type the name of the app as you would like it to appear to faculty or course designers who will be adding the tool to courses (Recommendation: VitalSource Course Materials).
Consumer Key: Enter the key provided to you by the VitalSource team
Shared Secret: Enter the secret provided to you by the VitalSource team
Enter Configuration XML.
Download the XML file attached to this article. Once you’ve opened this in a text editor, copy and paste it in the XML Configuration box.
This XML file contains the following settings. If you would like to configure the tool differently, contact your VitalSource Customer Success Manager and they can provide you with an XML file customized for your campus.
Privacy: public
Custom Fields: $Canvas.course.startAt, $Canvas.course.sectionIds, $Canvas.course.previousContextIds, $Canvas.course.previousCourseIds, $Canvas.term.startAt, $, course_end_date=$Canvas.course.endAT
Launch URL:
Course Navigation text: VitalSource Course Materials
Course Navigation default setting: disabled (this means instructors or course designers will need to add drag this into their courses' navigation menus in the courses' settings in order to make the tool available).
Click Submit.
Adding Links to Courses
Adding Links to Course Modules
You can add a link to a course module if you installed the external LTI app with Manual Entry or with Paste XML.
When in a Course, click the Modules link in the Course Navigation.
In the Module where you’d like to add the link, click the + button.
In the Add [Item Type] To: drop-down menu, select the External Tool option.
Find the VitalSource external tool and review the following:
URL - This will pre-populate based on how the LTI External App was configured. If you are launching to a specific VitalSource digital product, you may need to edit the URL to include the VitalSource product SKU for the item you are using. Example:
Page Name - This will pre-populate based on the name of the LTI External App but can be edited.
Load in a new tab - We recommend this box is checked, but it is not required to load the VitalSource app in a new tab.
Click Add Item.
Adding Links to the Course Navigation
You can add a link to the Course Navigation menu if you installed the external LTI app with Paste XML.
When in a Course, click the Settings link in the Course Navigation.
Locate the VitalSource tool. It will be in the section of links that are hidden from the Course Navigation.
Drag the VitalSource tool to the location you’d like it to be in in the Course Navigation.
Click Save.
Data Storage & Usage
This section describes what data VitalSource receives about Canvas users and courses through the LTI tool and how that data is stored & used.
Field |
Description |
Storage & Usage |
context_id |
unique LTI course identifier |
stored & used for identifying unique courses, communication of student opt-out decisions to publisher courseware providers when applicable |
context_title |
course name |
stored & used for display in VitalSource Launch & Analytics and matching LMS course data to SIS course data for Inclusive Access programs |
context_label |
course code |
stored & used for display in VitalSource Launch & Analytics and matching LMS course data to SIS course data for Inclusive Access programs |
custom_canvas_course_id |
unique Canvas course identifier |
stored & used for identifying unique courses |
custom_canvas_section_id |
unique Canvas course section identifiers for the sections in which the user is enrolled in optional field, only receive if configured as a custom field |
stored & used for handling cross-listed courses |
lis_course_offering_sourcedid |
course SIS identifier |
stored & used for display in VitalSource Launch & Analytics and matching LMS course data to SIS course data for Inclusive Access programs |
custom_course_start_date |
course start date optional field, only receive if configured as a custom field |
stored & used for determining when courses should be considered active in application displays and when to issue add/drop content access to students |
custom_term_name |
the name of the term to which the course belongs optional field, only receive if configured as a custom field |
stored & used for determining when courses should be considered active in application displays |
custom_term_start_date |
term start date optional field, only receive if configured as a custom field |
stored & used for determining when courses should be considered active in application displays and when to issue add/drop content access to students |
custom_pervious_context_ids |
context ids of courses from which content has been copied optional field, only receive if configured as a custom field |
stored & used to identify course resources from the courses from which they were copied |
custom_pervious_canvas_course_ids |
Canvas course ids of courses from which content has been copied optional field, only receive if configured as a custom field |
stored & used to identify course resources from the courses from which they were copied |
custom_canvas_user_id |
unique Canvas user identifier optional field, only received if tool privacy is set to public |
stored & used to identify unique user accounts |
custom_canvas_user_login_id |
Canvas username optional field, only received if tool privacy is set to public |
stored & used for matching LMS student accounts to SIS student enrollment for Inclusive Access program, communication of student opt-out decisions to publisher courseware providers when applicable |
user_id |
unique LTI user identifier |
stored & used for creating and identifying VitalSource user accounts, communication of student opt-out decisions to publisher courseware providers when applicable |
lis_person_contact_email_primary |
user email address optional field, only received if tool privacy is set to public |
stored & used for matching LMS student accounts to SIS student enrollment for Inclusive Access programs |
lis_person_name_given |
user first name optional field, only received if tool privacy is set to name only or public |
stored & used for matching LMS student accounts to SIS student enrollment for Inclusive Access programs |
lis_person_name_family |
user last name optional field, only received if tool privacy is set to name only or public |
stored & used for matching LMS student accounts to SIS student enrollment for Inclusive Access programs |
lis_person_name_full |
user full name optional field, only received if tool privacy is set to name only or public |
not stored or used |
lis_person_sourcedid |
user SIS identifier optional field, only received if tool privacy is set to public |
stored & used for matching LMS student accounts to SIS student enrollment for Inclusive Access programs |