Inclusive Access (IA) Adoption and Pricing Report

Inclusive Access (IA) Adoption and Pricing Report

What is it? 

The IA Adoptions & Pricing Report is a Publisher facing report with title-level adoption information for adoptions in place. It will present all IA adoptions for a school – historic, current, and upcoming – as recorded in VST’s systems. 

Because this report is accessible to Publisher Representatives directly, it allows you to see adoptions on-demand, at any time, without having to depend on your VitalSource CSM for access or answers during high-traffic times like adoption periods and rush.

Continue reading for information on the IA Adoption and Pricing Report, or view the IA training video on this page. Alternatively, you can watch the video here

Top 3 Use Cases

    1. Ensure IA adoptions are set up correctly ahead of the term start date so that you don’t miss out on any potential revenue. (2:35)
    2. Determine which schools may require follow-up actions. (4:45)
    3. Identify schools and instructors that are ready for instructor training/onboarding. (5:55)

The Report

Report Location

**You will require a Manage Account with the proper permissions to view this report. If you can not access the report, please request access by emailing**

You can access this report from Manage. Click the "hamburger icon."


And then “Reporting & Analytics” and then IA Adoption and Pricing report.


Or visit , select the Operational tab, and then the Publisher IA Adoption and Pricing report.


The Report Filters:

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  1. This is the Term Start Date. Select a range to filter the report to results that start during a specific time frame. This filter will default to a date range that starts two weeks in the past and ranges forward 8 weeks from the current date (10 week timeframe).

  2. Billing ISBN and item.

  3. Publisher (child or parent) name as it appears in Manage.

  4. Participation Model showing opt-in or opt-out.

  5. Department and Course name.

  6. Active or Inactive Section Status.

  7. Clears all filters.

  8. Download the report.

Filtering the Report:

  1. Select the values for Term Start Date, Institution(s), ISBN(s), Publisher(s), Participation Model, Department/Course, and Section Status that will narrow the report to the records you intend to review.

  2. Click Apply for each.

**Note: Term Start Date, Institution, Billing ISBN, and Publisher will remain filtered until Clear All is clicked.


How to Use the Report

A list of the fields and their definitions can be found here.

**NOTE: We recommend that you download the report prior to working with it.

Use Case 1: Ensure IA adoptions are set up correctly ahead of the term start date so that you don’t miss out on any potential revenue.

  1. Use the Institution filter to narrow the scope of the report to the school for which you want to view the items.

  2. Use the Term Start Date filter to narrow the results to the upcoming term in question.

  3. Optional: Use the ISBN filter to narrow the results to a relevant title or titles.

  4. Optional: use the Department and Course filter to narrow the results to a relevant course or courses.

  5. Export the Report by clicking Download.

  6. Review the records present on the report for accuracy among the following fields:

    • ISBN: Is the right ISBN adopted for the department/course/section?

    • Content Type: Is the content type represented accurately as “etextbook,” “courseware,” or “bundle”?

    • Access Codes Required: Is the need for access codes accurately represented as “yes” or “no”? Code Reveal Courseware should have a value of “yes,” while etextbooks, publisher delivered courseware, and Partner Integrated courseware will have a value of “no.”

    • Delivery Method: Is the Delivery Method represented accurately as “VitalSource” or “From Publisher”? For independent bookstores, etextbooks and Partner Integrated courseware should have a value of “VitalSource,” while Publisher Delivered and Code Reveal courseware will have a value of “From Publisher.” For bookstores that are part of Barnes & Noble College’s First Day or First Day Complete programs, all items will be delivered by “VitalSource.”

Next Steps:

  • If the adopted ISBN is not for the correct item, contact the school bookstore to request that they update the adoption.

  • If the Content Type, Access Codes Required, or Delivery Method is incorrect for an item, contact the bookstore to request that they update the item appropriately.

**For bookstores run by Barnes & Noble College, the phrase “contact the bookstore” should be interpreted as “contact the Barnes & Noble Home Office Team”

Use Case 2: Determine which schools may require follow-up actions

  1. Export the Report by clicking Download.

    1. Optionally, narrow the report by using the Institution and Term Start Date filters to look at a specific school.

  2. Review the records present on the report for completeness of the following fields:

    • Launch Enabled: Sections that are SIS to LMS matched will have a value of TRUE. Those that are not matched will have a value of FALSE. A SIS to LMS match indicates that content is visible to the instructor.

    • Section Status: This field denotes if the section is active for content distribution.

**Use the Date Fields

  • You can remove historical data by filtering on the Term Start Date (column X ) and then deleting anything in the past.

  • Date columns can help prioritize specific courses over others based on upcoming Start Dates, or Opt-In/Out Deadlines.

Next Steps:

  • For sections starting soon that are not yet Launch Enabled, contact the bookstore.

  • For sections starting soon that have a status of Inactive, contact the bookstore.

**For bookstores run by Barnes & Noble College, the phrase “contact the bookstore” should be interpreted as “contact the Barnes & Noble Home Office Team.”

Use Case 3: Identify schools and instructors that are ready for instructor training/onboarding.

  1. Report by clicking Download.

    1. Optionally, narrow the report by using the Institution and Term Start Date filters to look at a specific school.

  2. Review the records present on the report for completeness of the following fields:

    • Launch Enabled: Sections that are SIS to LMS matched will have a value of TRUE. Those that are not matched will have a value of FALSE. A SIS to LMS match indicates that content is visible to the instructor.

    • Section Status: This field denotes if the section is active for content distribution.

**Use the Date Fields

  • You can remove historical data by filtering on the Term Start Date (column X ) and then deleting anything in the past.

  • Date columns can help prioritize specific courses over others based on upcoming Start Dates, or Opt-In/Out Deadlines.

Next Steps:

  • Sections that are both Launch Enabled and Active are ready for next steps, whether they be instructor onboarding, training, or otherwise.

**For bookstores run by Barnes & Noble College, the phrase “contact the bookstore” should be interpreted as “contact the Barnes & Noble Home Office Team.”


Q: Where is an adoption I’m expecting/I’ve been waiting on?

A: If an adoption is not present on this report at the time you run it, it is not in VST’s systems yet.  Likely the bookstore (or for BNED FD/FDC schools, the BNED home office team) still needs to create the course/content adoption.  

Data is refreshed continuously to reflect current adoptions.

Follow Up: Contact the bookstore to ensure the course is created and content is adopted.


Q: If the faculty member opens their LMS course, will the content be present?  Is it “ready” for an instructor to take next steps?

A: The Launch Enabled column (column T) shows whether the Dept/Course/Section has been matched to an LMS course.  Where this value is “TRUE,” content will be visible to a faculty member who opens the matched LMS course.

Follow Up: If not paired, follow up with the bookstore for next steps. 


Q: Should I be concerned about courses having “Inactive” as a Section Status (column L)?

No.  As schools near the start of a term (understanding that schools treat “terms” and “schedules” differently), they activate courses.  Course activation makes adopted content visible to students and initiates invoicing

Follow Up: If you’re concerned about an adoption nearing an upcoming start date, and the course still showing as “Inactive,” the school will be the best resource to clarify why.


Q: How is my content being delivered?

A: A combination of Content Type (column N), Access Codes Required (column T), and Delivery Method (column U) show what type of content will be delivered to end users and how, per our system configurations.

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Q: What indicates a PI course is ready for us to start instructor training?

A: The combination of the below fields indicates that content is visible to the section instructor, and that instructor training can be scheduled.

  • The course is SIS to LMS matched which is represented by Launch Enabled = TRUE

  • The Section Status = Active

  • The Content Type = courseware or bundle (not etextbook)

  • The Access Codes Required = no

  • The Delivery Method = VitalSource

Follow Up: If any of the above are not true, follow up with the bookstore.


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