Create a Booklist in Booklist Manager

Create a Booklist in Booklist Manager

To create a booklist in Booklist Manager, log into Booklist Manager using your Manage credentials.


The "My Booklists" homepage will appear. From here, you can create a new booklist by clicking the pink + button that appears before the company's list of booklists.


If you're viewing a parent company's My Booklists page, you can create a booklist for either the parent or any of the child companies by clicking the button under the desired company's heading. 

After clicking the button, you'll see a modal where you can enter the name for your booklist. If you click the pink dropdown button, you can also change which color icon the booklist will have. 


Note: At the top of the booklist creation modal, the company for the booklist is shown. Make sure you create the booklist for the correct company.

Upload a Spreadsheet 

After naming your booklist, you'll have the option to upload an Excel spreadsheet to populate your booklist. The spreadsheet must be in the correct format. If you need a blank template for the spreadsheet, click the "Download a template" link to download an Excel file with the correct format and column headings. 


As you prepare your spreadsheet, follow these guidelines to ensure your upload is parsed correctly:

  • The first row of your spreadsheet will be ignored.
  • The second row of your spreadsheet must contain the column headings.
  • The first column (labeled "Identifiers (VBID, ISBN, or Product SKU - Required) in the template is the only required column.
      • Note: Changing or removing the title in the first column will result in a failed upload. 

  • The order of the columns is not important - you can add, reorder, or remove any columns (aside from the identifiers column) you don't need. 
  • Please note that columns aded manually will be ignored during the upload process. 
  • Booklist Manager used the Identifiers, Format and Duration columns to find matching assets in Manage. Currently, the content of other columns is not used for matching purposes.


  • Add titles by VBID, ISBN or SKU

If you don't already have a spreadsheet prepared, the fastest way to add a book to your booklist is to add them by VBID. You can type or paste in any VBID, any kind of ISBN or any VitalSource rental SKU, one per row.

Then select Import.


*For Stores using Netsuite or Bookware Retail Management Systems (RMS)

Stores utilizing Netsuite or Bookware Retail Management/Point of Sale (POS) integrations shouldn’t create new items or upload booklists in their RMS/POS Booklist Manager instance.

Since both NetSuite and Bookware are integrated with Booklist Manager, those systems automatically communicate active items to Booklist Manager. They include a pos_identifier used to match Booklist results to the original SKU submitted by their RMS system. Without this identifier, digital matches can’t sync effectively to the RMS.

If you have any questions about RMS integrations, please contact us at

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