Search for Assets in VitalSource Manage

Search for Assets in VitalSource Manage

Depending on what you’re looking for within your inventory, from a listing of your active content to specific information on one title, to running a report on distributors of your content, Manage will help you easily manage your assets and inventory. 

Basic Search 

Use the basic search to manage pricing, distributors, and quickly create codes for your assets. You can search on the following to retrieve content:  

  • ISBN, Customer ISBN, or VBID (VitalBook Identifier) 
  • Title 
  • Author

To execute a basic search:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click on the hamburger icon to open the main menu. 
  3. In the Content tab, click on Basic Search.

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  1. Enter your search criteria, then press Enter.

Note: when executing searches in Basic and Advanced Search, the first 100 entries will appear. For a complete list of results (50,000 lines or less), export to Excel. 

Advanced Search

If you're looking for a more focused search, additional search criteria, such as Distributor, Edition, Asset Status, and Created Date, are available by using the Advanced Search option in Manage. 

  1. From the Content tab, click on Advanced Search. 
  2. Choose from the available criteria and click Search. 

Your results will display in a list and will include the following: 

  • Asset Status
  • Preview of book cover 
  • Author 
  • Publisher name  
  • ISBN 
  • Asset format 
  • License term  


Asset Status

The Asset Status color bar on the left of the asset card represents the availability of your title in the VitalSource catalog. It corresponds with the bubble in the same color in the middle of the card. 

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You have the option of sorting and exporting your search results. 



Click on the book cover or on the title for the Asset Page. Here, you can view metadata for this asset.

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Asset Format

The eBook format appears in the Asset Format section of the asset card. ePUB and PDF are the only two formats currently supported in Manage. You may also see PBK or DashPub depending on the age of your assets, but those types have been deprecated. 


On the asset card, click on the Pricing button to view pricing for that particular SKU. From here you can export a list of prices by price type and currency by clicking Export all prices. Your file will be downloaded in .xls format. 




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