Adoptions - Action Requested Report and Resources

Adoptions - Action Requested Report and Resources

Description and Purpose

The Adoptions - Action Requested report identifies inventory items that require distribution rights assignments to adopting institutions to ensure access for an upcoming term. It is compiled and delivered to publishers weekly.

Key features of the report include: 

  • Publisher-facing action items to be carried out in Manage
  • Flagging discrepancies and expectations
  • A snapshot of potential revenue impact

Benefits of Using the Report

  • Proactively resolve adoption issues and drive increased revenue
  • Reduce the noise -the report puts everything in one place and decreases the volume of questions from bookstores

Target Delivery Date

Reports are distributed on Tuesday afternoons. In the event of a holiday where VitalSource is closed on Monday, reports will be delivered on Wednesday. 

Customer Support

Customers who have questions about the report can reach out to

  • Inquiries on new editions or Pricing Discrepancies should be directed to the Store Contact. 

NEW: Publishers Can Provide Notes to Schools


  • Tentative Start Date: Week of May 13
  • Deadline for Note Submission: Thursday by 11:59 PM. Notes will be processed and sent to schools on Friday mornings by 11 AM EST.
  • Ongoing Process: Continuously available


  • Each week, VitalSource compiles a list of IA and EA adoptions needing additional attention from publishers for school adoption. These actions may include price or distribution rights assignment, redirecting to a different ISBN, updating offsale dates, etc. Typically, most adoptions are resolved once publishers update the items in Manage, leading to their removal from the list the following week.
  • However, certain adoptions require action from the bookstore, which will be communicated by the publisher to the store through this process.

Additional context:

  • This marks a new process for most publishers. While only a few publishers previously had the capability to provide notes exclusively to Barnes & Noble and Akademos, we're expanding this opportunity to ALL publishers with pending adoptions. Now, all publishers can furnish notes to traditional two and four-year institutions, in addition to BNED and Akademos.

Steps for entering notes:

  1. To add a note to the bookstore, first, navigate to your Adoptions - Action Requested report. Then, locate the column headers "Notes from Publisher to School" and "Note Detail" on the Actions Needed tab.

    For clarity and effectiveness, ensure your notes are specific and actionable. To facilitate this, a dropdown menu is provided in the "Notes from Publisher to School" column. Simply select the appropriate note from the dropdown menu, and if necessary, provide additional details in the "Note Detail" column. For instance, if you choose "School should update adoption ISBN/SKU to value in Note Detail column," input the correct ISBN next to it in the "Note Detail" column.

    *Remember, only update the "Note Detail" column if you've selected a value in the "Notes from Publisher to School" column. If you attempt to update "Note Detail" without selecting a value in "Notes from Publisher to School," a pop-up will appear reminding you that "Notes from Publisher to School cannot be empty."

  2. When finished, return a copy of the file to VitalSource by saving it in your publisher folder (where the Adoptions Report is dropped) under the “Notes for Schools” subfolder. VitalSource will process the file and distribute the notes for you.
  3. If you do not have a publisher folder (i.e. you receive your Adoptions Report each week as an email attachment), simply reply to the email and attach a copy of the report with your notes included. VitalSource will process the file and distribute the notes for you.

Updates from March 2024:

The following improvements were made to the Adoptions - Action Requested Report

  • The IA and EA Adoptions Report is consolidated into one file that includes action items for Akademos, eCampus, MBS, traditional higher education institutions, and BNED.
  • Bundles are now included for traditional higher education institutions’ adoptions.
  • Program listings are now broken out by reseller partners (e.g. eCampus, Textbook Brokers, etc.) rather than rolling up to “Trad.” Traditional higher education institutions’ stores will still be listed as “VST.”
  • Akademos Student Choice adoptions will be delivered via a separate report. The format will be the same as the IA/EA report and will only be distributed to publishers that have Student Choice adoptions to address. In any given week, publishers are subject to receive one or both reports.
  • Business Model is now represented on the report (e.g. IA, EA, Student Choice).
  • Columns added/updated: Build Status, Department, Course Info (replaces Department, Course, and Section columns).
  • Columns removed: Days Aging, Target Ready Month, Target Ready Date, BNED Director Region, Number of Access Codes Needed, Course Level Login URL, Access Level Redemption URL.

Adoptions - Action Requested Report Messaging Guide

Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 2.21.37 PM.png


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