Set for Success: Using the Instructor Dashboard

Set for Success: Using the Instructor Dashboard
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Video and Instructions: Using the Instructor Dashboard


In this VitalSource video, we will look at the Instructor Dashboard. Here are a few benefits of the Instructor Dashboard:

  • The Instructor Dashboard offers an easy way for instructors to access student data in real-time and track progress in any course, any time, to ensure course material is being accessed.
  • Instructors can access students’ data in real-time.
  • You can also analyze information about student’s study habits and adapt lesson plans as needed.
  • You can also quickly identify at-risk students and help them succeed.

Access: There are two ways to access the Instructor Dashboard.

  1. The first one is accessing to using your Manage or Bookshelf credentials.

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  2. The second one is clicking the Instructor Portal tab in Launch via your LMS, and then Launch Instructor Analytics. 

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If you don’t see the Instructor Portal tab in Launch, contact your Customer Success Manager.

The Course Dashboard:

The Course Dashboard provides statistics of all the courses you instruct, including a summary of key student engagement metrics. You’ll only see information about the students in your specific courses and sections.

If you’re teaching in more than one institution, you can use the company dropdown to switch between different institutions.

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At the top of the dashboard, you can see some metrics of the courses you instruct.

Total Students shows the total of students in all your active courses and sections. 

Total Book Access displays the percentage of students who have opened at least one of the course materials.

And Average Session Length is the overall average session link for all students.

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Each course and section that you teach is represented by a card. 

You can use the options above the cards to customize the results. You can sort them in different ways, change the view from grid to list, search for a particular course, or filter them by status.

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Click on the three dots to get a quick summary of the course. 

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To see more details about a course, you should flip the card back over, click inside the card, and then you’ll be redirected to the Course Detail page.

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The course detail page provides metrics about a specific course section.

If you have adopted multiple books for your course, you can use the Books dropdown to see the metrics of a specific course material.

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Also, if you are teaching in multiple courses, you can quickly navigate through them by clicking on the course name.

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After selecting a course and a book (or multiple books), the metrics will update automatically.

If your course has roster integration, you will see a donut chart. The donut chart displays how many students have (or haven’t) accessed  the materials of your course. If you hover over the different sections of the donut, the chart legend will show the exact number of students and the corresponding percentage.

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Also, you can click in those sections to get more information about the students.

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For courses without roster integration, you will see the average total sessions and the average session length.

If you scroll a little bit down, you’ll find course-level engagement metrics, allowing you to ensure students read consistently and better understand how different groups of students engage. These metrics are global and provide information of all students enrolled in the selected course.

The first chart is student usage. It shows different averages of the reading habits of the students, to ensure they read consistently throughout the course term. It’s displayed in week-level groups relative to the course start date.

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The next metric is engagement groups, which provides insight into how course engagement is distributed. Students are segmented into quartiles based on the total amount of time they have interacted with the course materials. You can expand the groups to get the list of students and  some details of their individual behavior. 

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The last chart is student study habits. It’s helpful to analyze how students are engaging relative to their classmates. Each student is represented as a dot. If you hover over a dot, you’ll see brief information about that student.

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If you want to see the behavior of a student in particular, you can use the search bar, or click the name of the student in the charts.

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To learn more about our instructor dashboard, visit


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