Adopt Content using Verba Collect or Preferred Adoptions Tool

Once your implementation team has determined your digital strategy, it’s time to begin thinking about which courses to enroll in your Inclusive Access program. This step coincides with the work your campus store does each term to collect instructor course material adoptions.

Using Verba Collect, or your preferred adoptions tool, collect instructors’ course material adoptions. Once adoptions are collected, you’ll be able to target courses for inclusion in your Inclusive Access program based on:

  • Course enrollment
  • Potential student savings with Inclusive Access

This video provides a useful overview of how to use Verba Collect to target courses for inclusion in Inclusive Access.

You’ll want to begin socializing your planned Inclusive Access program with instructors to generate interest in the program. Publisher sales reps are a great partner to help you spread the word on campus, and they are regularly discussing Inclusive Access with instructors.

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