Initiate LMS Integration and Course Setup

VitalSource has many integration capabilities, and one of the most widely used is the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard. For any LTI-compliant LMS or platform, VitalSource can act as a tool provider. Installation is as simple as a one-time LTI tool configuration and link setup in the location of your choosing.

Configure the LTI Tool

Your VitalSource Customer Success Manager will provide you with the credentials you need to access our LTI provider. You’ll need to enter a consumer key and shared secret to access your content, as well as a launch (or base) URL. The LTI tool configuration step is also where you’ll select security preferences for regulating which data is passed to VitalSource. As a best practice, we recommend allowing the following data points to be sent on all launches from your LMS: tool consumer information, context, course, LTI user ID, and LTI role. To provide your campus with the most robust user experience and analytics, it’s preferred to make as much data as possible public to the VitalSource tool provider. As a best practice, we suggest configuring the LTI tool at the Global, System, or Account level in your LMS so that it can be accessed from all courses to which the tool is made available.

Pair Courses to Content

To avoid having to place a content-specific link in each course, you can provide VitalSource with your roster or your course/book pairing. Your Customer Success Manager can ensure that our system recognizes the context passed in the LTI launch to present the user with the corresponding course content. Details about VitalSource’s rostering capabilities can be found in the rostering guide that follows; we can also accept a .csv of your course IDs and their paired ISBNs.

Create Content Links

Link creation and placement can be done in a variety of ways. However, we recommend adding links to modules or courses to enable faculty to have the most options for organizing their courses as they see fit.

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