Industry-Leading Technology

Seek Industry-Leading Technology Expertise From Your VitalSource Team

Because every LMS can have its own vocabulary and implementation, there can be times that you need an expert to consult with you about your unique configuration. Your Customer Success Manager may bring in an Integration Manager to review your setup and create a tailored solution that works for your campus.

Achieve a Seamless Integration Experience

After your integration is configured, we recommend executing several test launches from your courses while your Customer Success Manager monitors our logs. This will ensure that we are receiving all data points that we need for analytics and a smooth go-live. Additionally, this test will highlight any areas of the user experience that you’d like to change or tweak prior to launch.

Monitor Progress of Integration and Course Setup

While the LMS admin is likely going to be doing the majority of the steps at the Deliver stop, the digital program manager should stay involved in the process to stay up to date on progress and have an understanding of the overall technical solution.

Train and Communicate Across Campus

With the integration in place and testing completed, it’s time to start bringing all of your key stakeholders into the fold. Outside of the core implementation team, it’s a good idea to socialize the new program and digital content with the broader campus audience.

VitalSource has a suite of resources for getting the most out of training on our tools and solutions. If you have the resources to conduct continued education for your faculty and staff, we will provide you with training materials to facilitate those sessions. The tools provided in our Train the Trainer program include training scripts, presentations, and learning activities with defined objectives and outcomes. If you are interested in learning more about Train the Trainer, your Customer Success Manager will be happy to get you started.

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