Prepare Files to Upload


Files need to be associated with a VBID (VitalBook Identifier) before uploading them. Upload will take the filename and attempt to use it as a VBID. For each file, you will see one of three results in the VBID search column.

  • If the record's VBK type matches your file type, a green check will be displayed. The Title and VBK Format columns will populate with the asset information.
  • For new records that have not yet had a file built onto them, the VBK Format will display Unassigned.
  • If no VBID can be found, a yellow attention icon will be displayed.
  • If a VBID was associated but certain conditions were not met, a red alert icon will be displayed. 


To change the associated VBID, click the X button in the search field and type in your own.

If you type enough characters, the autosuggest dropdown will appear, providing you VBIDs to pick from. The search field will correct your input, adding capitalization and dashes where appropriate. Clicking on a VBID from the field will attempt to associate your file with the VBID.


Clicking the yellow icon will provide a manual association step for the VBID you typed in if you wish to use that method instead.3_Prepare_Files_to_Upload.png

For help troubleshooting items that have not met Upload's requirements, hover over the red text or click the red icon.

In the first and third rows of the example above, the VBK format is invalid for the VBIDs selected. Both DashML and PBK formats have been deprecated. See the glossary section for more information.

In the second row, the file type is a PDF but the VBK selected is an ePub. File type and VBK type must match for a build to continue.

Make the corrections you need on your records, whether it be changing the VBID or removing the file and adding the correct one.4_Prepare_Files_to_Upload.png

Click Delete to remove files from the table.

Click Clear All button to wipe the table completely. Progress will not be saved.


You can choose what actions to take on your files from the Action dropdown.

For all approved VBID matches, Build as VBK will be chosen by default. You may have to manually select this option if you have edited the associated VBID at all.

Selecting Ignore from the dropdown will cause the file to be overlooked when an upload is triggered.


Finally, check the checkbox on the right to select a file for upload. Clicking the checkbox will lock down the Action and VBID columns for that row, eliminating the chance for accidental edits.

On smaller screens, you may need to scroll to the right to see this column.

Once one or more boxes have been checked, the Upload button will become active.

Any files not checked off will be removed when you click Upload.



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