If your LMS currently has the VitalSource LTI 1.1 tool configured, the below steps will guide you through the process to upgrade the existing 1.1 tool to a 1.3 configuration.
Navigate to Site Administration → Plugins → Activity Modules → External Tool → Manage Tools
Locate the existing VitalSource tool and click the Edit icon
Under Tool settings
Leave Tool name and Tool URL unchanged
Change the LTI version from LTI 1.0/1.1 to LTI 1.3
Public key type: Keyset URL
Public keyset: https://bc.vitalsource.com/ltia/security/jwks
Initiate login URL: https://bc.vitalsource.com/lti1-3/login_initiations/{{tenant_id}}
The tenant_id value will be provided to you by your VitalSource contact -
Redirection URI(s): https://bc.vitalsource.com/oauth2callback
Custom parameters: Leave blank
Tool Configuration usage: Show as preconfigured tool when adding an external tool
Default launch container: New Window
Click "Show More"
Check "Content-Item Message"
Content Selection URL: https://bc.vitalsource.com/adopt
Icon URL: Leave blank
Service Icon URL: Leave blank
Under Services
- IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services: Use this service for grade sync and column management
- IMS LTI Names and Role Provisioning: Use this setting to retrieve members' information as per privacy settings
- Tool Settings: Do not use this service
- Under Privacy
Share launcher's name with tool: Always
Share launcher's email with tool: Always
Accept grades from the tool: Always
- Organization ID: Leave blank
- Organization URL: Leave blank
Click Save Changes
- Gather the LTI 1.3 configuration details for the tool you just created and send them to your VitalSource Integration Manager by clicking the configuration icon.
- For steps on adding LTI links to a course, please refer to the documentation here.
- For steps on using the deeplinking interface in a course, please refer to the documentation here.
- For more information on endpoint options and uses, please visit the page "Which LTI Endpoint Is Right For You?"