If your LMS currently has the VitalSource LTI 1.1 tool configured, the below steps will guide you through the process to upgrade the existing 1.1 tool to a 1.3 configuration.

Navigate to Site Administration → Plugins → Activity Modules → External Tool → Manage Tools

    1. Locate the existing VitalSource tool and click the Edit icon

      1. Under Tool settings

          1. Leave Tool name and Tool URL unchanged

          2. Change the LTI version from LTI 1.0/1.1 to LTI 1.3

          3. Public key type: Keyset URL

          4. Public keyset: https://bc.vitalsource.com/ltia/security/jwks

          5. Initiate login URL: https://bc.vitalsource.com/lti1-3/login_initiations/{{tenant_id}}
            The tenant_id value will be provided to you by your VitalSource contact

          6. Redirection URI(s): https://bc.vitalsource.com/oauth2callback

          7. Custom parameters: Leave blank

          8. Tool Configuration usage: Show as preconfigured tool when adding an external tool

          9. Default launch container: New Window

          10. Click "Show More"

          11. Check "Content-Item Message"

          12. Content Selection URL: https://bc.vitalsource.com/adopt

          13. Icon URL: Leave blank

          14. Service Icon URL: Leave blank

      2. Under Services

          1. IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services: Use this service for grade sync and column management
          2. IMS LTI Names and Role Provisioning: Use this setting to retrieve members' information as per privacy settings
          3. Tool Settings: Do not use this service
      3. Under Privacy
          1. Share launcher's name with tool: Always

          2. Share launcher's email with tool: Always

          3. Accept grades from the tool: Always

          4. Miscellaneous:
            • Organization ID: Leave blank
            • Organization URL: Leave blank
      4. Click Save Changes

      5. Gather the LTI 1.3 configuration details for the tool you just created and send them to your VitalSource Integration Manager by clicking the configuration icon.
  • For steps on adding LTI links to a course, please refer to the documentation here.

  • For steps on using the deeplinking interface in a course, please refer to the documentation here.

  • For more information on endpoint options and uses, please visit the page "Which LTI Endpoint Is Right For You?"
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