Implement the Deeplinking Tool in the LMS for Courseware Integrations

Implement the Deeplinking Tool in the LMS for Courseware Integrations

In this VitalSource video, we will discuss how faculty can implement the Deeplinking tool through the LMS for courseware integrations.  Written instructions are available below the video.

Deeplinking allows course creators to launch users to a specific section of a course or video.  


Please note, before you’ll be able to setup deeplinking, you’ll need to be sure that your courseware course is setup. Documentation on setting up courseware can be found at using the search term “courseware.” 

  1. To set up deeplinking, you’ll want to locate the VitalSource deep linking tool within your Learning Management System. In this example, we are working within Canvas.  
  2. Navigate to the module where you would like to place deep links.  

    find the module.png

  3. Click the “+” symbol located at the right-hand of the Module name. 

    click the + button.png
  4. Select “External Tool” from the “Add” drop down menu 

    Select external tool.png

  5. The name of the external tool may vary but will likely contain the name "VitalSource." Select this tool.

    VST External Tool.png

  6. Once you select the tool, a new window will open. In this window, you will see the materials that have been paired to your course.

    Paired with Courses.png

  7. On the right side of the screen is the option to "Open Publisher Tool." When you click this button, you'll be taken to the publisher's deeplinking tool.

    Open pub tool.png
  8. Once you complete all the necessary steps within the publisher's tool, the deep links will be placed into the Learning Management System.

If you're unable to find the "Open Publisher Tool" button, please reach out to the publisher operations team at

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