Video: Download, Complete, and Upload the Metadata Template in VitalSource Upload

Download, Complete, and Upload the Metadata Template in VitalSource Upload

In this video, we discuss how to download, complete, and upload the Metadata Template in VitalSource Upload.

Please scroll down for written instructions. 


Download, complete, and upload the Metadata template in VitalSource Upload.

Log into the VitalSource Upload platform using your Manage credentials.

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When you are logged in, click the user icon in the top right of your screen and select Download Metadata Template.

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Once you open up the Metadata Template you will need to make sure you fill out all of the required columns.

Click the instructions tab at the bottom of the Metadata Template. From the instructions tab, you can find out which columns are required by looking at the required row. If it has a yes in the required row that means that column is required. You can also get additional information about each column. 

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You are welcome to fill out any non-required columns but this document focuses mostly on required fields.

  • VBID: The first piece of information to enter is the VBID, also known as an ISBN. Once you enter a VBID, the required columns will be highlighted in red. Helpful reminders will appear as you complete the template. 
  • Title: After entering the VBID you will enter the title of your asset. 
  • Imprint: Your imprint will most likely be your publisher name as it appears on your contract; however, check with your Onboarding Manager or contact the Publisher Operations Team at if you are not sure.
  • Kind: One of the most common kinds is book other common kinds are online resources that signal that the asset is courseware which may or may not include access codes, or online resource bundles which signal that the asset is a book that also includes courseware.
  • Print ISBN and eISBN: These are required fields. If you do not have two additional ISBNs for these columns you can simply copy and paste the ISBN you used in column A into those columns.
  • Author Name: Make sure to separate multiple authors by a comma. The author last name field is required. Only type in one author last name. 
  • Author Last Name: This is the last name of the primary author of the text. It is helpful, but not required, to fill in Author First name as well.
  • Edition: The edition must be a number between 0 and 127.
  • Description: A brief description of the asset is also required. 
  • Publication Date: Must be written as a two-digit month and four-digit year (MMYYYY)
  • Exclusive Sales Rights:
    Remember to fill out the exclusive sales rights column if you want your asset to be available in the VitalSource store or if you would like it to be available in one of our distribution sets including the Inclusive Access Distribution Set, the Reseller Distribution Set, or the Wholesale Distribution Set. To get more information about distribution sets reach out to your onboarding manager or the Publisher Ops Team at
    If you have exclusive sales rights worldwide you can type in world into the Exclusive Sales Rights column. If you have exclusive sales rights only in certain countries you can type in each country code separated by a comma (US, GB, CA, MX). More information can be found on the instructions and validation tab when it comes to exclusive sales rights.
  • Digital List Price: This is the price that the user will pay in the VitalStore or in one of our distribution platforms. VitalSource has the most common currencies listed: USD, GPB, AUD, CAD, and EUR.
  • Perpetual product pricing: Our standard access length of Perpetual or lifetime access to your product if a user downloads it. Users will also receive 5-year online access to your product.

    • VitalSource provides the option for Publishers to establish pricing for rental lengths ranging from 30 days up to to 5 years. To set rental pricing, navigate to the rental product pricing section (starts at column AN) of the metadata and input your desired prices. Ensure all pricing fields are properly filled out. Once your Metadata Template is fully updated, save the file.

Upload the Metadata Template

When you are ready to upload your Metadata Template navigate back to the VitalSource upload screen. Click the add content button at the top right of the page. 

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Find your metadata file in your files and click open.

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You will see a pop-up that indicates a spreadsheet has been detected. For brand new metadata you'll want to use the drop-down menu and select Create Metadata. Once you select create metadata select the Process button. Your metadata file will go through a pre-flight check and then your metadata will be ingested.

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You will then receive an email from which will confirm whether or not your metadata was uploaded successfully.

Troubleshooting Errors

If there were errors on your metadata file, the email will specify which errors. Correct those errors and try again. If you're not sure how to fix any errors, reach out to the Publisher Operations Team at or your Onboarding Manager for assistance.

If your metadata has been successfully imported into the VitalSource system, you can then upload your content file.

Uploading the Content File

The latest versions of the metadata and accessibility templates are always available to download from, under the profile section.








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